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Workplace Safety

In a production environment, one of the most repetitive motions is the cutting of tape and peeling of labels. These type of motions can cause injuries, which usually result in heavy insurance claim costs and lost-time wages.

START International offers a complete line of electric tape dispensers, label dispensers, and non-adhesive material cutters to reduce exposure to repetitive motion Injuries.


Common Repetitive Motion Injuries

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome – a painful condition of the hand and fingers
  • De Quervain’s disease – a painful inflammation of tendons in the thumb
  • Trigger finger/Trigger thumb – a painful condition that causes the finger or thumb to catch/lock when bent

The above injuries can all be caused by excessive repeated hand movements; this extent of movement may occur when an employee must repetitively grab a piece of tape, peel it from the roll, measure it, and cut it. Our machines eliminate these excessive repeated hand movements, and can therefore greatly decrease the risk of a workplace injury.


Common Workplace Accidents

  • Cutting fingers on manual dispenser or scissor/knife blades
  • Slipping and falling on the silicone (waxy-type) liner of labels



Our products aim to keep your employees safe and prevent accidents from happening. When you use a START International machine, there is no need to manually cut a label; the machine does the work for you and therefore greatly reduces your risk of being cut by a sharp blade.

Our machines also roll up the leftover silicone liner from label dispensing; this creates a quick, easy disposal method and therefore greatly reduces the chance that stray liner will fall to the ground and create a potential hazard.

Ensure that your employees will remain safe while working and that you will not lose company money due to a workplace injury; explore our dispensers and machines as workplace safety solutions here.

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Efficiency and Waste

One of the easiest ways to increase efficiency is by improving technology in the workplace. In many situations, employee productivity is greatly hindered when a workplace lacks the equipment that would empower the employee to do his or her job as efficiently as possible. Productivity loss can result in loss of company time and money.

Did you know that it can cost more to pay someone to grab a piece of tape, peel it from the roll, measure it, and cut it than the actual piece of tape costs?


For labels, you need one hand to hold the roll and liner and one hand to peel the label. With a dispenser, you only need one hand to do it all.


At START International, we offer many easy solutions to help you empower your employees, increase efficiency, and, ultimately, save your company money! Visit our Tape Dispensers, Label Dispensers, and Non-Adhesive Cutters in the Products section to explore the solutions that we offer. Our dispensers will help you:

Reduce Labor Costs and Improve Productivity

  • With our easy-to-use machines, the operator can simply pick up the pre-measured, pre-cut piece of tape and apply it as needed. The dispenser pays for itself by reducing wasted time and saves the operator from an excess of tedious, unnecessary work.
  • Our machines eliminate excessive repetitive hand movements; this helps ensure that your employees avoid operator fatigue and injury while working. Find out more about how you can increase safety in your workplace here.
  • Many companies manufacture dispensers made from plastic. At START International, we set ourselves apart from the competition by ensuring that our machines have a high-quality, all-metal design; this makes our machines low-maintenance and significantly more durable than plastic machines.

Reduce Material Costs

  • By dispensing and cutting consistent tape lengths, you eliminate negative overage of material per piece.
  • Our machines help eliminate wasted material due to human error by allowing the operator to pre-program a desired tape length; this easily saves company money by reducing waste.

Increase Quality of Application

  • By using START International dispensers, you get a clean, straight cut every time. Our machines are reliable and enable you to produce a neat, presentable product.
  • By minimizing human handling of tape, you reduce the exposure of the adhesive to dirt, dust, and oils; this helps ensure that the integrity of the tape is not compromised.

The above examples clearly demonstrate how our dispensers can pay for themselves. At START International, we pride ourselves on offering machines that are feasible and simple to operate/maintain. To explore our machines and discover the workplace solutions that best suit your company, click here.

For a FREE personalized ROI calculation, click here to contact us.

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Efficiency and Waste

One of the easiest ways to increase efficiency is by improving technology in the workplace. In many situations, employee productivity is greatly hindered when a workplace lacks the equipment that would empower the employee to do his or her job as efficiently as possible. Productivity loss can result in loss of company time and money.

Did you know that it can cost more to pay someone to grab a piece of tape, peel it from the roll, measure it, and cut it than the actual piece of tape costs?


For labels, you need one hand to hold the roll and liner and one hand to peel the label. With a dispenser, you only need one hand to do it all.


At START International, we offer many easy solutions to help you empower your employees, increase efficiency, and, ultimately, save your company money! Visit our Tape Dispensers, Label Dispensers, and Non-Adhesive Cutters in the Products section to explore the solutions that we offer. Our dispensers will help you:

Reduce Labor Costs and Improve Productivity

  • With our easy-to-use machines, the operator can simply pick up the pre-measured, pre-cut piece of tape and apply it as needed. The dispenser pays for itself by reducing wasted time and saves the operator from an excess of tedious, unnecessary work.
  • Our machines eliminate excessive repetitive hand movements; this helps ensure that your employees avoid operator fatigue and injury while working. Find out more about how you can increase safety in your workplace here.
  • Many companies manufacture dispensers made from plastic. At START International, we set ourselves apart from the competition by ensuring that our machines have a high-quality, all-metal design; this makes our machines low-maintenance and significantly more durable than plastic machines.

Reduce Material Costs

  • By dispensing and cutting consistent tape lengths, you eliminate negative overage of material per piece.
  • Our machines help eliminate wasted material due to human error by allowing the operator to pre-program a desired tape length; this easily saves company money by reducing waste.

Increase Quality of Application

  • By using START International dispensers, you get a clean, straight cut every time. Our machines are reliable and enable you to produce a neat, presentable product.
  • By minimizing human handling of tape, you reduce the exposure of the adhesive to dirt, dust, and oils; this helps ensure that the integrity of the tape is not compromised.

The above examples clearly demonstrate how our dispensers can pay for themselves. At START International, we pride ourselves on offering machines that are feasible and simple to operate/maintain. To explore our machines and discover the workplace solutions that best suit your company, click here.

For a FREE personalized ROI calculation, click here to contact us.


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